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In addition to Robbins' hits, there's a great mix of classic country music. You know, the good ol'stuff. Check it out if you like this kind of music. I sure do.
The score was University of Louisiana Monroe 21, Baylor 7, when I turned on the game last night. The final score was Baylor 47, ULM 42. It was a wild, exciting game to watch with lots of points scored by both teams. Two things: Baylor has a great offense. Baylor has a horrible defense. Should be interesting to see how they fare in the Big 12 this year. I'm looking forward to watching OU-Kansas State this evening. If I was to wager money on this game, I'd pick the Sooners to win but I'll be pulling for the Wildcats to win.
I worked on my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow this morning. I'll be presenting a classic episode of THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW at the Seekers Class at 9:30 tomorrow morning at Tarrytown United Methodist Church. The episode is ANDY ON TRIAL. It's from the second season of my all-time favorite television series. In addition to the humor, there's some terrific life lessons to be learned from these shows. I'm looking forward to a thought provoking discussion.
So I'm sitting in the back seat of a limousine. I'm on my way to the premiere screening of TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE. In the back seat with me is the star of the film and my good friend Clint Eastwood. I say to him, "You know Clint, nobody believes me when I tell them that we're friends. I don't have any proof, no evidence, no photos of us together."
"That's right," he replies. "Maybe you should do something about that. Let's get some photos when we get to the theater."
I'm all excited about this. Finally, proof, validation, solid evidence of my long running friendship with my buddy Clint Eastwood.
And then I woke up.
That's a recounting of one of my dreams last night. For the record, this is not the first time I've had such a dream. Not the exact storyline, not a recurring dream in the sense of the same thing happening over and over again. But common enough in the sense that I've had many dreams over the years in which Eastwood and I are good buddies.
I suspect there's several reasons for this. Clint Eastwood is my all-time favorite movie star for one. I've seen every one of his films and will certainly see TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (the constant ads for it on television have certainly placed him in front and center in my thoughts lately).
And I'm surrounded by images of Eastwood in my man-cave. I have framed and mounted one-sheets for TWO MULES FOR SISTER SARA, HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER, THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES and THE GAUNTLET on the walls of my upstairs office, plus framed record album soundtracks for A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS and HANG 'EM HIGH hanging above my desk. I see Eastwood every day so it's no wonder I would dream about the guy on a semi-regular basis.
They're very pleasant dreams. They're total wish fulfillment. I enjoy them. The only bad thing about them is they're only dreams.
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